7 Reasons To Shop At The Christian Soldier Bookstore
- Published in Blog
- 03 Apr
Welcome to our new website.
Here are 7 Reason You Should Buy your books, Bibles, CDs, DVDs, greeting cards, gifts and books from the Christian Soldier!
First, we have a friendly staff eager and enthusiastically ready to help you find everything on your shopping and dream list. (Our staff is friendly because it lives in their hearts.)
Second, it’s a peaceful place to shop. . .Christian music fills the isles. Our parking lot has lots of spaces. . .and the conversation you find here is the kind pleasing to our Lord.
Third, we have the largest selection of Christian books, Bibles, greeting cards, CDs, DVDs and gifts east of Raleigh (as far as we know). . .and what we don’t have can be shipped to you next day.
Fourth, every day we pray for every book, Bible, CD, DVD, greeting card and gift to contain a word, phrase, sentence or scripture that will change the lives of whoever reads or hears it. No one online does that. . .but we do. . .every day.
Fifth, we offer discounts to active duty and retired military, churches on (Monday), senior citizens (Tuesday), church members with last Sunday’s bulletin (Wednesday), pastors and churches all the time.
Sixth, we carry over 3,000 Christian eBooks on our website, we have two burn bars in the store so you can always get the music you need. Plus, we offer special sales for our preferred customers. It’s easy to sign up!
Seventh, if it’s not Christian we don’t sell it. . .no matter how great the popularity or profit margin. Our mission and purpose is to love, honor and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ!
We’re a Christian store owned by Christians … not just people who want to profit off Christians.
Lastly, if you need prayer. . .we’re stand ready to pray for you right here – right now.
Stop by . . .where browsing is fun and refreshing … the Lord is quite at home here and you will feel the same way too!